Wireless Terminal
The need for a wireless credit card terminal will continue to grow along with our society’s “at once” mindset. That is to say that demand for convenience and instant gratification will only increase.
The payment processing industry is not an exception to this growing trend. Payment solutions are quickly moving away from carbon receipts and credit card swipes. As a result, they are moving to credit card terminals that operate independently of phone lines and power outlets. In today’s world, a transaction on a wireless credit card machine will take 2-5 seconds of a consumer’s time. Rather the 12-20 seconds for dial-up telephone credit card processing. As a result, you can make this convenience available to your customer by providing your point of sale wherever it is needed. In conclusion you will able to make transactions on the go, at the counter, or even at the customers front door.
Utilize the Ingenico iwl250 Wireless Terminal
Highest Security
The iWL 255 meets the highest security requirements and is PCI PTS 3.x certified with SRED & Open protocol modules
All Wireless Connectivity
Featuring 3G cellular technology– the iWL 250 delivers enhanced network quality of service. Multicom capabilities ensure smooth integration of the iWL 250 into multi-device solutions.
Designed for Mobility
Designed specifically for mobility, the iWL 250 provides extended battery life, in a lightweight, robust, compact-sized design and features a wide backlit keypad for outstanding display readability inside or outdoors.
All Payment options
The iWL 250 accepts EMV chip & PIN, magstripe and NFC/contactless, as well as enables new NFC couponing and e-wallets.
Long Battery Life
Anticipating active use in remote environments, Ingenico Group focused on delivering outstanding battery life. In most cases, the iWL 250 is designed to run all day in the most active retail environments.
Outstanding Printer
The iWL 250 30-lines-per-second printer is one of the fastest on the market, for on-the-spot checkout efficiency.